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On the heels of a great summer of surfing, this month brings us another major event: the second edition of the Pro-Am Bodyboard Contest, which takes place in the beautiful cove at Punta Colorada. Read our story.

The end of October is a special time in Oaxaca, when the preparations for and celebration of the Days of the Dead provide a feast for the senses. The streets fill with women carrying flowers, the air redolent of their scent, incense and the delicious dishes prepared for the occasion. Enjoy!
Warren Sharpe, editor

This Month in Puerto

Friday 1, Friday 8 [tutupec]
Festival of Fandango
Villa Tutútepec
On the first Friday of October, this ancient, hilltop town holds a fiesta featuring marathon performances of Fandango, a form of chilena music, the traditional popular music of the Oaxacan coast. The fiesta is repeated on the following Friday.

The Mixtepec rulers of Tutútepec dominated the region of the coast for centuries until the time of the Conquest. It's always worth a day trip to visit the regional museum which documents the town's long and colorful history.

Sunday 3
Municipal Elections
Oaxacans go the polls this Sunday to choose their municipal presidents. That means the dreaded Dry Law will be in effect, from midnight Friday to midnight Sunday.

Tuesday 5 - Fri 8
Festival of Our Lady of the Rosary
Celebrated in various towns and neighborhoods, most named for Saint Mary, this is one of the most important fiestas of the year in Santa María Colotepec. A traditional saint's day festival on the coast begins with the convite and calenda, parades led by brass bands and huge papier-mache puppets through the streets of town inviting everyone to participate in the upcoming festivities (Tue. Oct. 5). The calenda takes place at night and includes faroles, candle-lit paper globes. There are fireworks, jaripeos (the wildly popular bull-riding rodeo), dances with live bands and horse races (Oct.8).
Santa María Colotepec

Thursday 7 - Sat 9
Festival of Bodysurf
Who needs a surf board? This is a friendly gathering for those hardy souls who believe the best way to enjoy the surf is bareback, by "flying through the water." Competition will be held on Zicatela in front of the lifeguard tower.
7 a.m. Zicatela Beach

Sat 9, Sun 10
Auto rally Oaxaca to Puerto Escondido and back. Further details were unavailable at press time.

Tuesday 12
Day of the Race
Forget Columbus Day and the Discovery of America, the Indians know it wasn't missing in the first place. This national holiday is less Eurocentric and acknowledges the racial reality here. The arrival of the Spaniards was disastrous for the indigenous peoples, but it did give birth to the mestizos, a new race that is most representative of Mexico today.

For the record, at dawn on Oct. 12, 1492, after 70 days at sea, the crews of the caravels La Pinta, La Nina and La Santa María were alerted by the cry of "¡Tierra, Tierra, Tierra!" by seaman Rodrigo de Triano when he sighted land.

And the rest, as they say, is history. The arrival of Columbus in America was probably the transcendent event of the 15th Century.

A public holiday, government offices and some businesses will be closed.

Thur 21 - Sun 24 [bodyboard]
Pro-Am Bodyboard Contest
The beautiful cove at Punta Colorada is the site for this tournament that was inaugurated last summer and greatly enjoyed by participants and spectators alike. See more on the Pro-Am.

Friday 22
Miss Chiquita Contest
The Fiestas of November in Puerto Escondido (See preview of Fiestas 2004) has spawned not just a Fiesta Queen, but a veritable Royal Family. This contest is for unutterably cute, precocious, little girls.
(Time and location was unconfirmed at press time, but it is normally held at the City Hall Esplanade beginning at 7 p.m)

Saturday 23
Mrs. Emerald Coast Contest
Another part of the Royal Trinity, this beauty and charm contest is open to married women or single mothers aged 25 to 45.
8 p.m. City Hall Esplanade

Saturday 23
Festival of Chilenas
Santiago Jamiltepec A competition that attracts musicians from all over the coast. Chilena music is part of the popular culture of the Oaxacan coast. Jamiltepec is an attractive Indian market town, best known for its two Colonial-era sundials on the main square.
8 p.m. Salon Social, Santiago Jamiltepec

Saturday 30
Miss Puerto Escondido Contest
The contest is open to young women aged 16 to 24. Srta. Puerto Escondido will represent the town at all civic functions for the next year.
8 p.m. City Hall Esplanade

Sun 31 - Tuesday 2 [dia de la muertos]
Days of the Dead
One of the most important festivals of the year, especially here in Oaxaca. See the story for more on this most fascinating and festive of Mexican holidays.

Sunday 31
Festive and colorful parade to kick off the Fiestas of November 2004. It will make its way through all the main streets of Puerto. Don't be afraid to join in. Listen for the rockets and the music, you'll find it.
8 p.m.

Monday Nov.1
Altar Exposition
Almost every household (and many businesses) build an altar for the dead. See how creative and lovingly constructed they can be.
6 p.m. Parque de Idilio, 1st north and 1st west.
Disco Night
Costume party with Ticolich and Vikingos providing the sound and lights.
10 p.m. City Hall Esplanade


November is special month in Puerto Escondido. The rains have ended, but the landscape is still lush and exuberant. The climate is pretty close to perfect. And, for the last 16 years, the town has hosted a program of events to show the world why this is the best tourist destination on the Pacific Coast. The Fiestas of November 2004 will showcase the great cultural diversity of our region, the wealth of recreational attractions, the art, cuisine and the warmth and hospitality of its people.

Here is a preview of some of the extraordinary events that we can look forward to next month:
November 6 - 7
Motorcross Championship
November13 - 14
11º Coast Festival of Dance
November 18 - 21
International Torneo de Surf
November 19 - 21
Torneo de Pez Vela

Read This Month's Feature Articles:
Bodyboard Pro Am 2004
Day of the Dead

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