Angel Salinas, Puerto Escondido's surf ambassador to the world, was nine years old when he started surfing. By the time David Ramirez reaches that age, he will have been riding the waves for six years.
Little David was scarcely able to spread his arms across the board to paddle out when he started to learn how to surf. But since he is now 4 years old, David will be able to take part in this month's Central Surf Children's Surfing Festival on beautiful Carrizalillo Beach.
The first of what is hoped will become a regular annual event, the
festival is the brainchild of Angel Salinas, who has represented México
and sung the praises of Puerto Escondido in prestigious, pro-surf
competition all over the world.
In his spare time, Angel has been coaching many of the local kids down at Carrizalillo, a partially protected bay where the waves are well formed, but seldom as threatening as on Zicatela.
Last year he was invited to teach a children's surf clinic in Acapulco and some of his former students from there will be participating in this two day competition for kids between 4 and 8 and from 9 to 14.
"This is the new generation, the future of our sport," says Angel. "Puerto is one of the top surfing destinations in the world, so it's important that there is strong local support and participation in surfing. Start them out young."
Several youngsters from Puerto Escondido have already proven themselves
good enough to have garnered the support of corporate sponsors so that
they can compete at the international level.
"This next generation will be even better," says Angel, one of six
brothers, all of whom surf. "In the next five to ten years, some of
these rugrats are gong to be star athletes representing us in the global
surfing community." Angel's Central Surf will provide surf gear for the
winners and certificates and other prizes for all the young
participants. So come out to cheer on these little guys.