It didn't come easily. The logistical problems were a nightmare. But it
was all smoothed over by the extraordinary efforts of Angel Salinas and
Tom Chaney and their team of volunteers, the officials and local
businesses people who pulled together to make it work. (You know who you
are! Thank you.)
In the end the East Coast team won, for the 3rd successive year. But the real story of this was the amazing performance of the Mexican surfers, most of them from P.E., during their two days of competition. Christian Corzo set the standard for the visiting all-stars with the best 2 wave set in the history of The Game - - a perfect 10. The Malaguas (Jellyfish) prevailed over the Tiburones (Sharks). But everyone emerged as winners.
We'll report in more depth on this and on the upcoming longboard
tournament next month.