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UltiMail Lite

(This following section is stolen from the original, and placed here for faster access, so not all links may be operational.)

FLASH! Important news for Ultimail lite users.

UltiMail Lite has been the most problematical program of the IAK by far. It may help if you keep repeating the mantra, "it was free.... it was free.... it was free....". I was unable to get the first three versions to work with Voicenet but the last tw o versions 2.10 and above have worked well, for the most part, once installed; and it is a very full-featured program. If its too slow , or you can't get it to work, many people like Post Road Mailer or the shareware PMMAIL.

Set Up

First get the current version from Retrieve Internet Software Updates . Better still, get the beta CSD!

Under Mail Cabinet, Cabinet, Settings you will probably want to set your signature field (under Letter) and the Time Zone Options. You can just leave Sessions and < second page of the Letter section, I strongly recommend that you uncheck View all letters in one window. If it is checked and you open a second letter (for whatever reason) while editing or composing a letter, all of your work will be uncer emoniously dumped without warning.

It is possible to set up Ultimail Lite for multiple users or multiple providers. Copy umail.pro to a new name such as umail2.pro, then edit it to change the :USER field as appropriate, with * as the password. Also delete the PROVIDER: Advantis sectio n. Create an Ultimail desktop object for umail.exe and add /pro=umail2.pro to the parameters line. Start the new copy of Ultimail and finish setting up the new version from the configuration notebook.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to alter the information, such as your password or the server name, used by Ultimail. One way to do this is to make the necessary changes in the Dial Other Providers app, then make the changes described in the next secti on for eleminating the startup dialog box. Log on to your provider and start Ultimail and it will update to the new information.

How do I ...

The program strikes a lot of people as non-intuitive so read the available documentation and run the tutorial. I admit that I am honored alumni of the "If all else fails, read the manual!" school; but if you ever read any documentation, read this one. (Or at least right and left click on everything, like the blank text field and the paper clip icon.)

One "missing feature" that many people complain about is the inability to automatically quote when sending a reply to a letter. It is available as Forward to sender under the Letter drop-down menu. You can also create an icon for it by ri ght clicking in the blank portion of the icon bar and selecting Create item from the pop-up menu.

Ultimail Lite does not provide the option of downloading email from the provider while leaving a copy still available on the server. There is a trick which will make this possible if you require it, though. For advanced users only: Using yo ur favorite binary editor, you will have to edit POP.DLL Look for the string "DELE %d" Change the single occurance of this string to "STAT %d". From now on instead of deleting the email from your provider once it is downloaded, Ultimail will send a har mless Stat command.

Solutions to problems you might encounter after upgrading:

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