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This text contains an emphasized word. Don't assume that it will be italic! It was made with the EM element. A cite is often italic and has no formally required structure: Moby Dick is a book title.

   This text contains an emphasized word.
   Don't assume that it will be italic!
   It was made with the EM element. A cite is
   often italic and has no formally required structure:
   Moby Dick is a book title.
This text contains some bold italic text, some struck through text and some small print.

<FONT SIZE=value>
Surprise! You can change the FONT size. Valid values range from 1-7. The default FONT size is 3. The value given to size can optionally have a '+' or '-' character in front of it to specify that it is relative the the document baseFONT. The default baseFONT is 3, and can be changed with the BASEFONT element.
This changes the size of the BASEFONT that all relative FONT changes are based on. It defaults to 3, and has a valid range of 1-7.
You aren't dreaming, yes you can center your text. All lines of text between the begin and end of CENTER are centered between the current left and right margins. A new tag has been introduced rather than using the proposed <P Align="center"> because using <P Align="center"> breaks many existing browsers when the <P> tag is used as a container. The <P Align="center"> tag is also less general and does not support all cases where centering may be desired.


Font attributes are now properly cumulative. Text inside something like
<i><tt><FONT SIZE=6><b>Text here</b></FONT></tt></i>
will be italic fixed bold text of size 6.

an image An animated GIF file

A test table with merged cells
Average other
This would be rendered something like:

                 A test table with merged cells
       |          |      Average      |  other   |  Misc  |
       |          |-------------------| category |--------|
       |          |  height |  weight |          |        |
       | males    |   1.9   |  0.003  |          |        |
       | females  |   1.7   |  0.002  |          |        |
An example of an invalid table: 1
which looks something like:
       | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
       |   |---------------|
       |   | 6 |   |   |   |    The cells labelled 6 and 7 overlap!
       | 7 :   | 8 |   |   |
Borderless tables are useful for layout purposes as well as their traditional role for tabular data, for instance with fill-out forms:
   	       name: [John Smith        ]
   	card number: [4619 693523 20851 ]
   	    expires: [03] / [97]
   	  telephone: [212 873 2739      ]
This can be represented as a table with one row and two columns. The first column is right aligned, while the second is left aligned. This example could be marked up as: name:
card number:


The use of such techniques is one of the motivations for using nested tables, where borderless tables are used to layout cell contents for an enclosing table

Hint: You can achieve a similar effect to the above by using decimal alignment and using the DP attribute to set the alignment character to a convenient character, for example:
card number:
expires: /
Each line in the table is then indented so that all the colons are positioned under one another.
card number:
expires: /

Please check with the local weather service before starting your climb. The mountain weather is subject to rapid deterioration. It is essential to carry a good map and compass.

You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you not.
I was the more deceived.
Get thee to a nunnery. Why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners? I am myself indifferent honest ...
inoculate - graft relish of it - smack of it (our old sinful nature) indifferent honest - moderately virtuous Note: If %html.recommended is active, the HTML 3.0 DTD expects you to enclose plain text in a block element such as


A simple footnote

But now I shall shortly proffer him the strength and the courage of the Geats in combat. He who has the right to it shall go once more to the mead-drinking with confident heart, after the morning light of another day, the sun clothed in ethereal radiance, shines from the south upon the children of men. Beowulf replying to Unferth, from the Anglo-Saxon poem "Beowolf", Cotton Vitellus A xv manuscript

Newsletter editor
J.R. Brown
8723 Buena Vista, Smallville, CT 01234&t;
Tel: +1 (123) 456 7890

Sample Questionaire

Please fill out this questionaire:

Your name:

Male Female

Female Number in family:

Cities in which you maintain a residence:

  • Kent
  • Miami
  • Others


Thank you for responding to this questionaire.

Special Characters

A half space and A space and a non breaking_spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace
   The character entities &endash; and &emdash; denote dash marks with
   the same widths as the   and   entities respectively. 
The character entities &endash; and &emdash; denote dash marks with the same widths as the   and   entities respectively.

		Horizontal Tab (HT - 9 dec) 	a 	Tabbed

Horizontal Tab (HT - 9 dec) a Tabbed

Numeric and Special Graphic Entities

The following table lists each of the supported characters specified in the Numeric and Special Graphic entity set, along with its name, syntax for use, and description.

This list is derived from "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN" however HTML does not provide support for the entire entity set. Only the entities listed below are supported.

Name Syntax Description

lt < Less than sign

gt > Greater than sign

amp & Ampersand

quot " Double quote sign

ISO Latin 1 Character Entities

The following table lists each of the characters specified in the Added Latin 1 entity set, along with its name, syntax for use, and description.

This list is derived from "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN", and HTML does provide support for the entire entity set.

Name Syntax Description

Aacute Á Capital A, acute accent

Agrave À Capital A, grave accent

Acirc  Capital A, circumflex accent

Atilde à Capital A, tilde

Aring Å Capital A, ring

Auml Ä Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark

AElig Æ Capital AE dipthong (ligature)

Ccedil Ç Capital C, cedilla

Eacute É Capital E, acute accent

Egrave È Capital E, grave accent

Ecirc Ê Capital E, circumflex accent

Euml Ë Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark

Iacute Í Capital I, acute accent

Igrave Ì Capital I, grave accent

Icirc Î Capital I, circumflex accent

Iuml Ï Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark

ETH Ð Capital Eth, Icelandic

Ntilde Ñ Capital N, tilde

Oacute Ó Capital O, acute accent

Ograve Ò Capital O, grave accent

Ocirc Ô Capital O, circumflex accent

Otilde Õ Capital O, tilde

Ouml Ö Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark

Oslash Ø Capital O, slash

Uacute Ú Capital U, acute accent

Ugrave Ù Capital U, grave accent

Ucirc Û Capital U, circumflex accent

Uuml Ü Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark

Yacute Ý Capital Y, acute accent

THORN Þ Capital THORN, Icelandic

szlig ß Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)

aacute á Small a, acute accent

agrave à Small a, grave accent

acirc â Small a, circumflex accent

atilde ã Small a, tilde

atilde ã Small a, tilde

auml ä Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark

aelig æ Small ae dipthong (ligature)

ccedil ç Small c, cedilla

eacute é Small e, acute accent

egrave è Small e, grave accent

ecirc ê Small e, circumflex accent

euml ë Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark

iacute í Small i, acute accent

igrave ì Small i, grave accent

icirc î Small i, circumflex accent

iuml ï Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark

eth ð Small eth, Icelandic

ntilde ñ Small n, tilde

oacute ó Small o, acute accent

ograve ò Small o, grave accent

ocirc ô Small o, circumflex accent

otilde õ Small o, tilde

ouml ö Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark

oslash ø Small o, slash

uacute ú Small u, acute accent

ugrave ù Small u, grave accent

ucirc û Small u, circumflex accent

uuml ü Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark

yacute ý Small y, acute accent

thorn þ Small thorn, Icelandic

yuml ÿ Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark

Numerical Character References

This list, sorted numerically, is derived from the ISO 8859/1 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character set:


�- 00-08 Unused

09 Horizontal tab

10 Line feed

- 11-31 Unused

32 Space

! 33 Exclamation mark

" 34 Quotation mark

# 35 Number sign

$ 36 Dollar sign

% 37 Percent sign

& 38 Ampersand

' 39 Apostrophe

( 40 Left parenthesis

) 41 Right parenthesis

* 42 Asterisk

+ 43 Plus sign

, 44 Comma

- 45 Hyphen

. 46 Period (fullstop)

/ 47 Solidus (slash)

0-9 48-57 Digits 0-9

: 58 Colon

; 59 Semi-colon

< 60 Less than

= 61 Equals aign

> 62 Greater than

? 63 Question mark

@ 64 Commercial at

A-Z 65-90 Letters A-Z

[ 91 Left square bracket

\ 92 Reverse solidus (backslash)

] 93 Right square bracket

_ 95 Horizontal bar

` 96 Acute accent

a-z 97-122 Letters a-z

{ 123 Left curly brace

| 124 Vertical bar

} 125 Right curly brace

~ 126 Tilde

-   127-160 Unused

¡ 161 Inverted exclamation

¢ 162 Cent sign

£ 163 Pound sterling

¤ 164 General currency sign

¥ 165 Yen sign

¦ 166 Broken vertical bar

§ 167 Section sign

¨ 168 Umlaut (dieresis)

© 169 Copyright

ª 170 Feminine ordinal

« 171 Left angle quote, guillemotleft

¬ 172 Not sign

­ 173 Soft hyphen

® 174 Registered trademark

¯ 175 Macron accent

° 176 Degree sign

± 177 Plus or minus

² 178 Superscript two

³ 179 Superscript three

´ 180 Acute accent

µ 181 Micro sign

¶ 182 Paragraph sign

· 183 Middle dot

¸ 184 Cedilla

¹ 185 Superscript one

º 186 Masculine ordinal

» 187 Right angle quote, guillemotright

¼ 188 Fraction one-fourth

½ 189 Fraction one-half

¾ 190 Fraction three-fourths

¿ 191 Inverted question mark

À 192 Capital A, acute accent

Á 193 Capital A, grave accent

 194 Capital A, circumflex accent

à 195 Capital A, tilde

Ä 196 Capital A, ring

Å 197 Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark

Æ 198 Capital AE dipthong (ligature)

Ç 199 Capital C, cedilla

È 200 Capital E, acute accent

É 201 Capital E, grave accent

Ê 202 Capital E, circumflex accent

Ë 203 Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark

Ì 204 Capital I, acute accent

Í 205 Capital I, grave accent

Î 206 Capital I, circumflex accent

Ï 207 Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark

Ð 208 Capital Eth, Icelandic

Ñ 209 Capital N, tilde

Ò 210 Capital O, acute accent

Ó 211 Capital O, grave accent

Ô 212 Capital O, circumflex accent

Õ 213 Capital O, tilde

Ö 214 Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark

× 215 Multiply sign

Ø 216 Capital O, slash

Ù 217 Capital U, acute accent

Ú 218 Capital U, grave accent

Û 219 Capital U, circumflex accent

Ü 220 Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark

Ý 221 Capital Y, acute accent

Þ 222 Capital THORN, Icelandic

ß 223 Small sharp s, German (sz ligature)

à 224 Small a, acute accent

á 225 Small a, grave accent

â 226 Small a, circumflex accent

ã 227 Small a, tilde

ä 228 Small a, tilde

å 229 Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark

æ 230 Small ae dipthong (ligature)

ç 231 Small c, cedilla

è 232 Small e, acute accent

é 233 Small e, grave accent

ê 234 Small e, circumflex accent

ë 235 Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark

ì 236 Small i, acute accent

í 237 Small i, grave accent

î 238 Small i, circumflex accent

ï 239 Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark

ð 240 Small eth, Icelandic

ñ 241 Small n, tilde

ò 242 Small o, acute accent

ó 243 Small o, grave accent

ô 244 Small o, circumflex accent

õ 245 Small o, tilde

ö 246 Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark

÷ 247 Division sign

ø 248 Small o, slash

ù 249 Small u, acute accent

ú 250 Small u, grave accent

û 251 Small u, circumflex accent

ü 252 Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark

ý 253 Small y, acute accent

þ 254 Small thorn, Icelandic

ÿ 255 Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark

Math Entities

Example - the integral from a to b of f(x) over 1+x ∫_a_^b^{f(x)1+x} dx which can be rendered on a fixed pitch text-only medium as:
            /   f(x)
            | ------- dx
            /  1 + x

Continuation dots - ellipsis
   &ldots;     \ldots    three dots on the baseline
   &cdots;     \cdots    three dots on same level as a minus sign
   &vdots;     \vdots    three vertical dots
   &ddots;     \ddots    diagonal dots (top left to bottom right)
   &dotfill;   \dotfill  like cdots but fills column in an array
Added Spacing
        \,        thin space
   &sp;        \:        medium space
          \;        thick space
   &quad;      \quad     huge space
Lower case Greek Letters
                                         PS-Symbol Math-8
   α     \alpha        alpha          61      61
   β      \beta         beta           62      62
   γ     \gamma        gamma          67      63
   δ     \delta        delta          64      64
   ε   \epsilon      epsilon        --      65
   &vepsilon;  \varepsilon   var epsilon    65      3B
   ζ      \zeta         zeta           7A      66
   η       \eta          eta            68      67
   θ     \theta        theta          71      68
   &vtheta;    \vartheta     var theta      --      79
   ι      \iota         iota           69      69
   κ     \kappa        kappa          6B      6A
   λ    \lambda       lambda         6C      6B
   μ        \mu           mu             6D      6C
   ν        \nu           nu             6E      6D
   ξ        \xi           xi             78      6E
   ο   ....          omicron        6F      6F
   π        \pi           pi             70      70
   ϖ     \varpi        var pi         76      7B
   ρ       \rho          rho            72      71
   ϱ    \varrho       var rho        --      --
   σ     \sigma        sigma          73      72
   &vsigma;    \varsigma     var sigma      56      5B
   τ       \tau          tau            74      73
   υ   \upsilon      upsilon        75      74
   φ       \phi          phi            66      75
   ϕ    \varphi       var phi        6A      7A
   χ       \chi          chi            63      76
   ψ       \psi          psi            79      77
   ω     \omega        omega          77      78

   Note: LaTeX uses the latin letter o for omicron.  

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