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(Baden's 1999 Mediterranean Jaunt / Overview)
Pierides image
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Just a block away from our hotel in Larnaka, Cyprus, was a small private museum, the Pierides. Although its collection was not that extensive, it did have some unique exhibits, this small terracotta figure was one. It is listed as object 5102 in the Cobb Database, and there is also an neat QuicktimeVR (576 KiB) available.

The most amazing thing about this figure, was its age. It was 7000-7500 years old, which makes it by far the oldest thing I saw on my whole trip. Furthermore, its relative sophistication and preservation had to be appreciated, as most objects its age, or much less, were simple carved rocks, or terracotta which had been almost demolished. This statue was approximately 40 cm tall, and appears to have been constructed in one piece and remained so.

Although I had taken a photograph, it was through glass, so I bought a postcard, which was then scanned. I will not take any more photographs though glass, as it does not work very well.

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