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Photos 2010-02-1 (20100219)

The first ten are from a trip we made to San Agostinillo on February 1, the rest mostly were shot close to my place.

Select image thumbnail for large WWW version, image name for information

IMG 8674 (1280x854 396KB)

IMG 8752 (1280x960 259KB)

IMG 8766 (1280x854 86KB)

IMG 8820 (1280x854 421KB)

IMG 8826 (1280x854 277KB)

IMG 8843 (1280x854 192KB)

IMG 8861 (820x1024 94KB)

IMG 8863 (1280x854 143KB)

IMG 8869 (1280x854 226KB)

IMG 8916 (1280x854 170KB)

IMG 3970 (1280x854 96KB)

IMG 4053 (1280x854 296KB)

IMG 9042 (1229x1024 373KB)

IMG 4079 (1280x854 202KB)

IMG 9050 (683x1024 181KB)

IMG 9061 (1280x854 203KB)

IMG 9068 (1280x854 122KB)

IMG 9070 (683x1024 163KB)

IMG 9077 (1280x854 82KB)

IMG 4146 (1280x854 129KB)
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