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Photos 2010-03-1 (20100316)

Here are some March shots that were otherwise excluded from the Gasca Jazz Concert, the Kids Surf Festival, and my Laguna de Manialtepec tour. So, the remaining selection is not as grand. {:-)

Select image thumbnail for large WWW version, image name for information

IMG 0391 (1280x854 90KB)

IMG 0485 (1280x854 305KB)

IMG 1314 (1280x854 207KB)

IMG 1323 (1280x960 285KB)

IMG 1363 (1280x854 315KB)

IMG 1387 (1280x854 345KB)

IMG 1392 (1280x960 329KB)

IMG 1567 (1280x854 207KB)

IMG 1657 (683x1024 152KB)

IMG 2138 (1280x854 142KB)

IMG 2159 (1280x854 180KB)

IMG 5154 (1280x854 147KB)
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