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The Scourge of OS/2  :-)

There has been considerable speculation in the press and elsewhere as to why OS/2 users almost always seem to refer to the fact that they can format disks while doing other tasks. Given today's prevalence of preformatted floppies, this strikes many pe ople as a rather odd obsession.

It is time the truth was told. Who do you think formats all of those disks? That's right, the preformatted floppies are all produced by a clandestine cottage industry of victimized OS/2 users.

Prospective new formaters are approached by a network of internet operatives, or "cyberpushers", who first ask you to format a couple floppies for "free". The thrill of formating in the background soon has you hooked. Then its no longer enough to sim ply run a spreadsheet or word processor. You don't feel that you're really computing without the simultaneous soft thunk....thunk....thunk... sound of a formating floppy. Soon you need more and more unformatted disks just to get through the day. That's when they start charging you for the "blanks" (as we call them). From then on its a downhill slide as you try formating multiple disks at the same time. Then its on to the hard-stuff. Yes, formating of hard disks. You don't even care if its low -level and scuzzy.

I know you will be tempted to format "just one" floppy for the thrill. You'll think you can stop anytime you want; but you will be hooked the first time you format a disk while downloading a file. Before you make that first mistake, just think of all the OS/2 User Groups and those poor haunted souls telling anyone who will listen, "Formatting doesn't interfere with MY computing." and "I can format and get my work done at the same time."

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