I have updated all my pages so that the coloured lines have significance. All the coloured lines at the page bottoms link to that page's top. The coloured lines at the page top link to my home page (absolute addressing).
The coloured lines in some pages also link to an index, usually near the page's top. Note that these are usually just at the browser's window's top, so just click there, and you should be returned to the index.
I also changed my home page to include BOLD type for my major pages with other links.
I have more or less decided that the and
icons will
last for approximately two months. This is a guess on the traffic that visits this site. It
probably isn't that busy, so there is not a real need to be ultimately current. I have made the
real new (two weeks) links hot red
and the
older new links yellow
Judith wanted all the dates for each page. I used to be able to have my directory structure listed at UBC, but this site will not allow it. I investigated either putting dates on each page, or listing all the dates, but I abandoned this task, as I do not have that data available.
Note that my comment in the source code usually has the file creation date, but that they get
updated, so the revision dates are too hard to track. So you can now get the latest files and track the individual icons on each page.
I would still like some ideas for new links that may be considered eccentric, interesting, and not usually easy to find??? You can mail me me these ideas.
Toby wanted a benchmarking page, and I even found one.
I also want to set up my "Some neat programs" page with a lot more. This may include shareware and freeware that I really like.
I also want to enhance my OS/2 tips page. Hopefully this is a central repository for both tips that will fix OS/2, and enhance the OS/2 experience.
Further, I want to set up links to other people that I know on the WWW. (eg. my brother-in-law, Marc's father Nelson ).