
Puerto this Month (March 2009)

This Month's Articles:

Alvaro Carrillo

Chatino Country

Jimena: A Star is Born in Puerto

On The Town

Beat the Heat: San José del Pacífico

Lent: Feasting, Not Fasting

Past Articles:

TIdes: text | html | html pw | html ph

Puerto Map Small (483 KB) | Puerto Map Big (4.1 MB)

El Sol de la Costa is published every month.

Overseas subscriptions are available for US$60 per year (12 issues) or US$35 for 6 months.
Back issues: US$3 including mailing.

El Sol de la Costa (ElSolinPuerto@gmail.com)
Calle 4ª Norte y 4ª Poniente,
Puerto Escondido 71980, Oaxaca, Mexico
Tel/Fax: 01 (954) 582-2230

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