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Cleaned up my home page a bit
Added a whole bunch to my Financial page, more or less what's on my private page
Changed all the Nebula Desktop images to JPEG from OS/2 BMP
Added The Register to my News Page
Text Only page synchronised
Edited Prion Diseases, and added links for the author
Added tomorrow's Weather forecast to the Weather page
Added Jessica's home page to my home page
Added new benchmarks, including Java, to my benchmarks page:
Fixed the link for The Stolen Bike
Registry on my home page
(thanks to Andrew Aronoff)
I found out that the airplane crash page was functional again, so it's back on my home page
I got a neat link from Charlene that is morbidly interesting, and it's also on my home page
Fixed broken links on my weather page, notably replacing images for Mexico and Canada
Note that I am enforcing the ISO date and time format (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) on my pages,
especially with the year 2000 coming up. I mean, what is 01/02/03?
I added the new tide tables until October to my Tide page
Fixed my Financial page link to Stocks page, and re-vamped it
Updated some links and cleaned up my home page
Changed my Financial page to include gold quotes from Kitco, and to add more stocks on my Stocks page
Updated my SCSI page to remain current
Added new screen shot, to reflect what I have used for the last six months, and I put the old one in the cellar
Also added a laptop screen shot to my main page, as it'a little more interesting.
Cleaned up a bit, but not enough to tire me out, and to leave me something do do down south
General maintenance, mostly on my home page.
CMC Satellite Page and ftp added to Weather Page to allow ftp access, as the http sever blocks my access now, probably for a real stupid reason.
Added hurricanes and typhoons page to my Weather Page
Added Stocks Page and PDG to financial page, so you can see how Yahoo! can be customised to your needs
Added Brills and Freedom Forum to my News Page as alternative news
Added Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases to the Search Stuff page
Added The Globe and Mail and Yahoo! Canada News to my News page
Added Yahoo! Weather to my Weather page
Fixed up and added Sysbench Benchmarksto my benchmarks page
Jenni relpaced Shania on my home page
Updated the images on my Tide page
Updated my home page link to The Secular Web
I was able to re-implement all my directory listings, on my home page, as my host is now on Apache
Did some minor housekeeping
Added a BC Tel White and Yellow pages to my search page
I deleted the current image from the Tide page, as it's redundant, and added three new links to neat information on variable sea levels, and an on-line book about tides from the NOAA
Added the Kiersey test to my home page
Changed the Alta Vista search engine reference on my Search Page to a powerful text one
Added IBM's Public Fixpaks to my OS/2 page
Added Internet Access Kit (IAK) information to the OS/2 page
I fixed up (many) broken links on the Weather page
I changed my home page Computer news to InfoWorld, as PC Week have become such liars, and so blatantly Microsoft, it's a waste to read them
I really fixed my updated Tide page, as it was really screwed up
I did some big housecleaning, with a lot more to go
Uploaded all the pages that were fixed up in Mexico. Aside from HTML style, the main differences to you, will be that all the embedded images have size tags for quicker loading
I did some big time housekeeping in Mexico, updating most pages, but I have not uploaded it yet.
The Netscape page has a link now to a HTML test page, where you can see how different HTML works
New Netscape compatibility page
Fixed two Java .class files to look better
Moved Overclocker's FAQ to my Benchmarks page
Added the new Huatulco Earthquake to my Earthquakes page
Changed Mexican vacation to be more current, notably in Puerto Escondido
Yes, you saw it here first, but just in case that you did not know, or did not read it yet, this year's Nobel prize winner in Medicine has had his treatise on Mad Cow Disease, on my Home page for 18 months
Added new current pages on Costa Rica and Mexico
Did some housekeeping, especially on my earthquake page
Added the new contest winning picture to my home page. (it used to be there initially
Did some housekeeping
Removed Infomatch Weather station, as it was dead and littered the Iway
Added all the Canadian e-zines and Newspapers to my home page
I just bought a Diamond Viper 2 MB VLB video card, so I now have a colour desktop, (hey Lloyd!)
which is added to to my home page
Removed Infomatch Weather station, as it was dead and littered the Iway
Added Current Weather Conditions for Mexico link to both my main page, and to my Weather Page
Added Astronomy Picture of the Day link on my main page
Added Canada Stockwatch
to my Financial Page.
It has real time charts and much information
Made a Baden's Financial Page
Updated my home pages, and did some housecleaning.
Added a Cellar for somewhat obsolete stuff
Minor cleanup, and put some stuff in the Cellar
Added some anti M$ stuff on behind the NT image
Fixed broken links and added info for yesterday's earthquake on the Earthquake page
Fixed up the Tide page a whole bunch, so it is all current.
Added a new Benchmark page (should make Toby happy)
SCSI page updated, added a EIDE versus SCSI page
Added The Illustrated Guide To Breaking Your Computer to my main page
Added new Magazine and Redbook links on my OS/2 information page, and moved DeScribe up to my OS/2 page
Text Only page synchronised
Text Only page synchronised
I did some housekeeping
The Dictionary site added to my Search Page
Airplane Accidents added to my home page
The Benchmark Page is readdressed and rejuvenated
Did you know that there is a new Adobe Acrobat Amber reader?
OS/2 magazine was deleted. I'm looking for a new one.
PCWeek has a new address from my home page
I added a Hale-Bopp link on my home page
Added a link to Phil's project on my home page
Added new stock quote link on home page
Added News page
Added Buy & Sell to my home page
Added a world climate data link on my weather page
The satellite images now have animations
Did you know that there is a new Adobe Acrobat reader?
Housekeeping around the site
Did mucho trabajo for my Tide page, including new tide tables until May, 1997
My new Search Page has Canada's Postal Codes
I tidied up my home page, including setting the margins at 80 characters
I made a new Search Page linked from my home page
Did some housekeeping
If you did not already notice, I just got a new image from Bill
Well, I managed to finally go through an de-bug my SCSI
Page tonight. What a rotten mess! And no-one mentioned anything?
There had to be 20 broken links, and I am ashamed!
It has ten times the info now!
Made a new page on Lebanese
Deleted the MSNBC news link on my home page, as not only do they NOT know what html is, they also don't know what news is
Changed the MSN news to MSNBC on my homepage.
Added two links to my SCSI Page and added Attotech
Housecleaning, mostly changing the new and updated icons
Well, after a month I finally got motivated!!! The first thing that I
did tonight, was download and install the new IBM WebExplorer 1.1e. I
then was able to see, as it has the capability to produce many more colours,
that my pages had different background colours, so I made them all a new shade,
and the same colour
As per Gerry's request, I finally removed the first two pages.
Housecleaning, home page and tide page
Why, you're here!
SCSI Page updated, CMD added
Bicycle Page, Orcas Island link
New tide page for Vancouver
Earthquake Page has a neat overview on the Kobe quake
OS2 page has new links to benchmarks
Some neat programs has Fix Pack 17 uninstaller added
Text Only page synchronised
Home page has new stuff
This page hyperlinked
SCSI Page updated, new addresses, substantially complete
Weather Page updated
Weather Page new stuff, satellite and weather cams
Why, you're here!
Vancouver Page, Weather Cams and writing
Index.html, updated, and added
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